Written on Jul 2, 2014
My biggest annoyance with The Touch of Twilight was the doppelganger plot. The idea behind the doppelganger was pretty interesting, but it it felt randomly thrown in. Plus, I am so sick of doppelgangers thanks to The Vampire Diaries, even though this one was nothing like the ones in the show. In addition to just not liking this plot, I found the conclusion to be very unbelievable. Joanna knows nothing about doppelgangers and doesn't have the slightest idea how to stop it or give it what it wants (or even what it wants). But all of a sudden she's enlightened and goes into this whole speech about it at the end. What? Where did all of that come from? I don't even know.
The Jasmine plot thread was all but abandoned for most of the book. Sure Joanna needs to watch out for herself, and Ben is her number one priority, but she didn't even try to help Jasmine or her sister Li. She has no idea what she did to her, so of course she doesn't know how to fix it, but the only thing she had to say about it was "I'm working on it." Um, no, she wasn't. She has plenty of resources at her disposable but she didn't use any of them. She should just take the direct route like everyone was telling her to: kill Jasmine.
The only part of The Touch of Twilight I really enjoyed was the whole Joanna, Regan, Ben fiasco. It's just so messed up! Ben knows Joanna is around somewhere, but he's dating Regan who happens to look just like her, and he runs into Olivia all the time but can't tell that it's really Joanna. Joanna wants to tell him the truth, but she's careless and lets Regan in on it, who of course, takes matters into her own hands, and OMG, that was horrible! I'm still rooting for those two, but it's looking less and less likely.
The Touch of Twilight was disappointing. I don't think it progressed the overall series plot that much. The third sign happened, but it felt very disconnected to me. Thankfully, City of Souls will get it back on track.
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