It's hard to talk about this one when it's the third book in the series, so I'll keep it pretty general. This was such a fun read, and it was at this point in the series where it really began to pick up for me. I felt invested in the characters and their development, and loved how their relationships with each other grew closer. The plot lines are so imaginative and enthralling, and Irene is such a kick-arse heroine, not taking any crap from anyone.
However, despite the fact that these books are action packed, they feel slow to read when I'm actually reading them. I don't know what it is, but it felt like it took a long time for me to read this. It wasn't that long a read so I should've been able to knock it over fairly quickly, but it seemed to take me a bit of time to get into it. That being said, I still really enjoyed it - you've got magic, fae, dragons, and best of all books! What more could I ask for?!