The Hollow Lands (Dancers at the End of Time, Vol. 2) (Gateway Essentials)
by Michael Moorcock
At the world's end, all love is timeless, and all age-old disputes irrelevant . . .Jherek Carnelian, however, is in danger of taking reality too seriously, and grows tired of his pleasures. Perhaps a hunt for aliens could lift his spirits? Or better yet, a journey through time? Ah, yes! The past! So complicated and strange - especially with its scarcity of time machines for a return trip! But regardless of the dangers, the past does hold one irresistible lure: Mrs Amelia Underwood, for who...
Sharp, gripping, and disturbing, THE EDGE is the third book in The Anomaly Quartet. Years ago, a vast and mysterious object known as the Anomaly was discovered in deep space. All missions to explore and explain it have failed. Now, as it draws close to Earth, threatening to swallow up the planet, a team of scientists desperately seek a way to destroy it or arrest its progress.
When Dr Philip Raven, an intellectual working for the League of Nations, dies in 1930 he leaves behind a powerful legacy - an unpublished 'dream book'. Inspired by visions he has experienced for many years, it appears to be a book written far into the future: a history of humanity from the date of his death up to 2105. The Shape of Things to Come provides this 'history of the future', an account that was in some ways remarkably prescient - predicting climatic disaster and sweeping cultural chang...