Written on Jun 25, 2016
A suspected suicide by the family patriarch hints to murder after a gruesome discovery and a full-scale murder investigation begins. Lane fears it may have been Edward. The family’s finances are in serious trouble and Lane is working to keep everything from falling apart. Maxwell, their brother returns. Gin makes plans to marry a man who is all wrong for her. Weaved into this are love stories, losses, friendships, betrayals and deals that kept me happily engaged. Ward is a masterful storyteller allowing me to become completely swept up in this sage.
Ward allowed us to spend time with each character in Angel's Share giving us their history and connecting them to us. Each is realistic and yet over the top. The Bradford's are cocky and self-assured yet vulnerable and raw. Max appears at the big house and we even a little time with him. I am curious and want to know more. Our spunky, stubborn girl Gin sees tremendous growth even as we witness her mistakes. Lane and Lizzie strengthen their romance as he words to hold the family together. Lane continues to be the glue that holds this family together and Ward showed his determination, love for his family and ruthless strength. Edward’s story tore me apart and we watched him tango with a woman who will always hold his heart. We see growth and perhaps peace in Edward even as we witnessed his softer side.
Romances finds its way on to the pages of Angel’s Share but it is subtle and only a part of this complicated symphony. Ward creates a world with characters that becomes real to the reader.
Of course, Ward gives us others stories in Angel's Share, like those of Jeff, Lane’s best friend, the family’s cook, fondly referred to by the Bradford children as Momma. We also get those of Lane’s lawyer and friend. He has always love the complicated and vivacious Gin. Chantal rears her ugly head but has shifted away from the story for now.
Ward wove threads together delivering a flawlessly executed tale. She gave us twists and turns that kept me riveted. She endeared the reader to these characters pulling them into the story. Ward’s ability to pull you in, change your opinion of characters and remember the butler's name provided was magical.
While Bourbon Kings left us with a cliffhanger, The Angel’s Share leaves us in more of an emotional place and eager to return. It has been a long time since I have found myself so wrapped up in a dysfunctional family and the Bourbon Kings is thrilling to read.
Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer