This is Zack's story. It picks up 4 months after the death of his long-time girlfriend, who was also the mother of his child. He is wracked with so much guilt, that he has just stopped feeling. This is his story of coming to terms with all the different types of guilt he is experiencing and putting himself back together so he can move on with his life.
I have to say, I spent this whole book rooting for Kate. I sort of fell in love with this girl. She persevered through difficult life circumstances, without complaint and without looking for any sympathy. She set her sights on something and went after it, with a positive attitude, knowing that only hard work would allow her to attain what she wanted. She had a HUGE, forgiving heart and put herself out there, because she knew she could be what helped her father, Ben, Zach heal. I always love Bennett's books, because she gives us these slightly damaged characters, who are really solid humans, and you want to get to know them better and to see them succeed.
As with all the Cold Fury books, we get lots of hot, schmexy stuff, adorable stuff, bromance, romance and humor. It was great to meet Ryker and I cannot wait to read his story.