Written on Dec 5, 2012
It picks up right at the end of Inhale, with Zoe and Gavin really meeting for the first time in Realis (the real world). And you think that, now that Zoe has a better idea of what is going on, they will hit it off right away and jump into bed together right? Well, not so much. Which KILLED me. I wanted them to be happy and together from the get go, more so than I want most couples to be together and happy. I don't know what it is about these two. Maybe it's because Zoe is more my age (30's) and Gavin is where I will always think of myself (early 20's) and that is an unusual age difference. Maybe it is because they have both had such a rough time, in different ways. Maybe it is because I know in my heart they are exactly what the other needs to heal.
This whole book was an emotional roller-coaster. I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I sobbed like a little girl, then I laughed some more. There were also lots of sexy times, which you know I like. ;-)
I really don't know what else I can say about this book; this whole story, without giving things away. It is so well written that I lost myself in the world, and now must visit Australia before I die, in hopes that I can meet my own Gavin. ;-) (Sorry honey, he's an Australian Rock Star) And of course go whale watching.
The way Exhale ended leaves me anxiously awaiting the third & final book, Just Breathe. I need some closure. I need to know what happens next. I need that book right now dammit!