Written on Jan 10, 2013
What the f**k just happened? We start not long after Gavin does what he did with Scarlet to Zoe. I mean ... BITCH. Seriously, can I kill Scarlet myself? I don't think I have ever hated a bad guy as much as I hate her. I was shaking with rage every time she made an appearance. At the same time, my heart was shattered for Zoe & Gavin. They have been through so much and deserved to be happy, but it just wasn't in the cards for them at this point. Maybe in the future? But with things going the way they were, I wasn't holding my breath.
Both Zoe & Gavin make some hard choices. Choices I myself, in the same situation, would not be able to make. Hence why I will never be the "hero" of anyone's story. You should be grateful the fate of the world is not in my hands.
Without giving anything away ... a lot happens in this book. Good thing it is the last in the trilogy, because I don't think I could have taken much more of the emotions I felt. It seemed like time after time someone was making what they thought to be the most noble decision, and they didn't listen to ANY of my advice. If they would have listened to me, things would have resolved much earlier. But then the book would have been way too short. Hmm ...
In the end ... well, I am not going to tell you what happens in the end. :-) I will say that Gavin will forever be in my list of fictional characters I would leave my husband for if they ever became real. And Zoe is my hero. I kind of want her job life. Should you read this series? YES. It is good. Great. Amazing. Heart-wrenching. It is all the things a good trilogy should be.