14 books
Development of Extruded Products Using Pigeon Pea Brokens
Desenvolvimento de um produto snack extrudido que incorpora pasta de cenoura
Développement d'un produit extrudé incorporant de la pâte de carotte
Entwicklung eines extrudierten Snackprodukts, das Karottenpaste enthält
Sviluppo di un prodotto snack estruso che incorpora la pasta di carote
Clarification of Prickly Pear Juice Using Honey
Freezing of peas
Prickly Pear Juice Clarification
Freezing of green peas
Pigeon pea milling
Papain Production Technology
Wheat Grinding Under Evaporative Water Cooled Condition
Protein Enriched Ready To Eat Product
Storage of Guava Fruit and Osmotic-Air Dehydrated Guava Powder