Prof Tan received his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto in 1992. He has 8 years of working experience in reliability in the electronics industry (both Singapore and Taiwan) before joining Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as a faculty member in 1996 where he stayed until 2014. He is now a Professor at Chang Gung University, Taiwan and the Director of the Centre of Reliability Science and Technology.

He has published more than 350 International Journal and Conference papers and holds 10 patents and 1 copyright for reliability software. He has given more than 50 keynote and invited talks at International Conferences. He has written 5 books and 4 book chapters in the field of reliability. He is the Series Editor of Springer Briefs in Reliability, Editor of Scientific Reports, Editor of IEEE Transactions on Materials and Device Reliability, Associate Editor of Microelectronics Reliability, and Research Editor of Frontiers in Materials. He is Fellow of the Institute of Engineers, Singapore, Fellow of the Singapore Quality Institute, and an IEEE Electron Devices Distinguished Lecturer.