686 books
I turn coffee into contracts
I turn coffee into policies
I turn coffee into education
I turn coffee into tax returns
I would like to confirm that I don't care
I turn coffee into novels
I'd hit that
I think therefore I'm Vegan
I love kickboxing
I speak fluent movie quotes
I don't yell it's a high volume motivational speech
I love Jesus but I drink a little
I graduated now I'm like smart and stuff
I regret every nap I passed up as a child
I only look like I know what I'm doing
I know I can be mean and stuff but deep down inside I'm actually mean and stuff
I never finish anythi
Orgullosamente Costarricense
Orgullosamente Boliviano
Orgullosamente Chileno
Orgullosamente Argentino
Orgullosamente Colombiano
Let that shit go