44 books • 8 series
The Culture and Recipes of Mexico (Let's Cook!)
The Culture and Recipes of China (Let's Cook!)
The Culture and Recipes of India (Let's Cook!)
50 Things You Should Know about American Presidents (50 Things You Should Know about)
Ancient Sumer (Great Civilisations)
Shang Dynasty China (Great Civilisations)
Great Civilisations: The Maya (Great Civilisations)
50 Instant Ways to Energize!
50 Natural Ways to Detox
A Day That Changed History (Turning Points in History (Smart Apple Media))
A Day That Changed History: The Assassination of John F Kennedy
The Hal X Syndrome
500 Tips for Natural Health and Well-being
Staying Healthy Naturally
Home Spa
50 Natural Ways to Relieve PMS (50 natural ways to...)
50 Natural Ways to Stay Young (50 natural ways to...)
50 Ways to Energise-naturally
50 Ways to Detox Naturally