Baroness Book Trove
Written on Sep 14, 2020
Do mermaids actually exist?
Jonah is our human character, and he is unabashedly entered into this world of mermaids and merliens when he rescues this older man named James George. He is only seventeen, and lots of things happen to him that never entered his realm of possibility. Jonah is an interesting kid. He deals with the unknown by bringing in his sarcasm and witty remarks that don't go off very well at specific points. There isn't much about this character that I really like or dislike.
Mezzy is our mermaid character and is very different than what we know about mermaids. All Mezzy wants is to return to her world where they came from not that long ago. The problem is no one knows how to work the portal to return home, and worse of all, they aren't doing what they were sent over to do. Mezzy, Mezermalda, is quite different from the others in that she does things that they are scared to do. She is an interesting character, but once again, I don't really have any likes or dislikes about her.
Mermaids and Merliens are very different, but I can't say with why, as that is a significant plot point.
Four Stars
Mercadia Calling by Shaka Bry is a different approach to the whole mermaids' culture that we think is a myth. Mr. Bry has a nice approach to making it different while creating this entirely new world for them. It's fascinating. I am giving it four stars and recommending it to readers that like mermaids.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Mercadia Calling by Shaka Bry.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove