Baroness Book Trove
Written on May 31, 2019
Fake it until you make it!
The Game Changer by Jaqueline Snowe encompasses what happens when college students are away from home. The story deals with a scholarship student that depends on a scholarship to stay at school and becomes drafted for the MLB. The other student's parents pay for part of the expense and works while attending classes. This is the story of Greta and Aaron for the first half of their junior year of college.
Greta Aske
Greta Aske is the first point-of-view character that we met, and she is a great character who loves to help everyone. However, that may be a problem for her later on because of an agreement with her best friend, Aaron Hill. Greta is twenty-one years old, works at a bar, and knows she wants to be a teacher when she gets out of college. One of Greta's coping mechanisms is to help people instead of focusing on herself when she is struggling. She does that a lot in this book.
- She can take a lot from Aaron and handle it well
- Her big heart
- She can cuss like a sailor
- Smart
- Doesn’t talk to Aaron when she overhears something about him
Aaron Hill
Aaron Hill is the second point-of-view character that we met, and he is struggling with a lot of things throughout the story. He has been dealing with his dad having cancer, baseball practice, and trying not to do anything else that would give a person ammunition against him on the internet. Just like any other college student, Aaron is trying to keep his scholarship together and not fall in love with Greta.
- His has a foul mouth
- Is scared of rollercoasters
- Smart
- Is loyal to Greta even though he is not one for relationships
- Doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut.
Four Stars
I am giving The Game Changer by Jaqueline Snowe four stars. The story is a wonderful coming of age story. Greta and Aaron are great characters and I enjoy reading about college life.
It's different than what I’m used to reading. It had a bit more cussing and sex scenes in it then I usually read. However, I am recommending it to all new adult contemporary romance lovers out there.
If you want to read an excerpt from The Game Changer check out the Book Blitz that includes it, HERE.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope that you enjoyed this review of The Game Changer by Jaqueline Snowe.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove