Quirky Cat
A Crown of Dawn is the fourth and final novel in Brindi Quinn's A Crown of Echoes series. I know earlier that I said I couldn't wait to sit down and see what happened next...but part of me is very much not ready to see the ending. Not ready to let go.
Merrin is not normally a creature consumed by vengeance or the need to find justice. Yet those emotions are running high in her as she heads out from the Cove and the events that just transpired. Even if she wasn't seeking this vengeance, she knows in her heart that the destroyer must still be dealt with.
A task that falls squarely on Merrin's shoulders. With the help of her love, her friends, and her allies, Merrin will stand a chance to save the day – but it very well could cost her everything to try. Yet, Merrin has never been one to turn away from a challenge.
“And velvet curtains had never been heavier. Those were what separated me from the hope of day in these royal medical chambers I now found myself in.”
Wow. I knew that the conclusion to A Crown of Echoes would be blindingly brilliant, but I still wasn't prepared for how hard A Crown of Dawn hit me in the heart. It was perfect, beautiful, and so memorable all in one.
Merrin's story was such a delight right from the start, with a narrative that spoke directly to the readers (her captive ones) and a fierce determination that spoke of loyalty and love. How could I do anything other than become fully enthralled in her story?
“I know your heart aches, little royal, but you must mend the Crown of the Wood. It is not safe for the destroyer to move in you freely.”
The conclusion to A Crown of Echoes was everything that fans deserved, and probably more. A Crown of Dawn wrapped up every plotline, as well as bringing with it a few more surprises along the way.
This is a book that is worth all the hype that fans have been building up for the past couple of months. It was full of a plethora of emotions and moments, some sweet, cute, intense, and endearing. There were times when it felt like the book was going to burst from all that Brindi Quinn packed into it. Or maybe that is just my emotional reaction to the story. Either way, the feeling still applies.
I can't believe that A Crown of Echoes has come to an end, yet even I can't deny that this is very much the sort of ending I had hoped for. It isn't the end I imagined, because I am not nearly as creative as Quinn, but it is very much an ending that I enjoyed. I can't wait to see what her next project will entail.
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