Kim Deister
This was an enjoyable read! It’s got everything a good witch cozy mystery should have, with a slightly darker edge to both the mystery and some of the characters. And the setting for it was absolutely ideal for sleuthing… a small, magical town where everyone knows everyone else.
Ella is a very complex character, not really sure where she fits in or what she wants to do with her life going forward. She’s at a crossroads in her life, put there through no fault of her own. She’s never been truly comfortable in her own hometown because of how others perceive her magic, but being magical keeps her from fully fitting into the mundane world either. There’s a depth to her character that I really love, even if it is a bit edgier than one usually finds in this genre.
And the mystery… there’s a backstory that has some incredibly dark implications, and it really made the resolution that much more poignant and interesting.
There’s also a hint of romance… a faint hint, but a hint nonetheless. Coming home means seeing her old boyfriend, Jake. That stirred up a lot of emotions for both of them, and it hinted that there might still be feelings there. But there was also Orion, an agent who works for the magical law enforcement, an attractive guy who is clearly into her.
All in all, I can’t wait to read more.