I really don't know how to feel about this one. I wanted to like it and the plot is really intriguing, but it was just not written particularly well.
Good bits:
- Exciting plot!
- Great plot twist at the end, I saw one coming but definitely not the other.
- Despite its flaws, it was gripping and I stuck around to see what happened.
Bad bits:
- Oh good god the CHARACTERS. I feel like none of them had any real personality, even Emma. They act ridiculously - there are moments where characters are in danger and the other characters just start talking about something else or MAKE OUT.
- More to the point, Emma is an IDIOT. She knows the clones are up to no good and potentially dangerous and yet she hangs out with them anyway.
- The main romance was contrived and unbelievable.
- The dialogue isn't well written. A lot of it reads like the characters are just there to dump information on the reader.
Despite this, this book was actually quite an enjoyable read. I don't know if I'll read the next book because I don't know if I'll care enough by its release, but I certainly don't regret reading this one.