Written on Aug 30, 2012
This book starts off almost right after the crazy events of the last one. The national guard and some scientists from the CDC have come and sealed off the town and are trying to investigate exactly what has happened. One character, Heather, is a new POV for some chapters of the book. I liked that idea actually, seeing what was happening on the other side of things aside from Jenny and the people of the city and her thoughts on what disease could have struck.
There are a few more characters with abilities added in this book and I thought they were awesome. Tommy has the ability to pass along waking nightmares and control fear in others, even to the point of making them do what he wants. Sound like someone else we know? Then there’s a quick introduction to Alexander and what he can do which was pretty creepy. Zombies! And of course Esmeralda who could hear the dead in bodies among other things. Another character makes a surprise appearance and the mayhem starts again!
Jenny keeps having dreams of past lives and what she did with her powers back then. During the day she is still horrified about what she ended up doing in the last book and for a while she wants to turn herself in. But being with Seth still makes her happy and he doesn’t want to lose her. However there are certain people trying to break them apart because they are opposites in powers and make each other stronger.
This book was very good, the first was still my favourite, simply because of the ending in the last one. But don’t pass this book up, it’s definitely a great addition!
Recommended for fans of paranormal and horror, and not recommended for younger readers (mature themes again in this one).