Jeff Sexton
Written on Jun 5, 2021
Having told (vaguely) the story of how I obtained this ARC, let me now note what I actually thought about the book, shall I? :D
As I said in the title, this really was an excellent debut. There are a lot of various plot threads weaving themselves in and out of focus over the course of 60 or so years, and anyone of a few particular generations, particularly those from small towns, will be able to identify readily with many of these threads. In 2008, we get a grandmother waiting to reveal some secrets to her twentysomething/ thirtysomething grand daughter - this actually opens the book. Then we get both the grandmother's life story - up to a particular pivotal summer - interspersed with the granddaughter's life story - mostly focused on two summers in particular, but with some updates in between. The jumps in time are sequential, but not always evenly spaced, so for example we start the grandmother's tale during WWII when she is serving as a nurse and is courted - in the rushed manner of the era - by a charming doctor. When we come back to her tale after spending some time in the granddaughter's life, we may be days later or we may be years later, depending on how deep in the story we are at this point. Similarly, when we leave the granddaughter in 1994, we may come back to later that summer or we may come back to 1999. (Or even, more commonly for the granddaughter's tale, back to 2008.) 2008 serves as "now", and the histories of the two women remain sequential throughout the tale. The editing, at the beginning of the chapter, always makes clear where we are in the timeline, and yet this style of storytelling *can* be jarring for some. So just be aware of this going in.
But as a tale of generational ideas, aspirations, and difficulties... this tale completely works on so very many levels. Perhaps because I find myself of a similar age as the granddaughter, and thus much of what she lives, I've also lived - particularly as it relates to a small town home town and its divisions.
And, for me, Hume actually has a line near the end of the tale (beyond the 90% mark) that truly struck a chord: "Haven Point has its flaws, of course it does. But while it might not be the magic that some pretend, there was never really the rot she claimed either." Perhaps the same could be said of my own "small town" (it now has a population north of 100K) home town.
Ultimately, this was a phenomenal work that many will identify with but some may struggle with. I will dare compare it to The Great Gatsby in that regard and in this one: keep with the struggle. It is worth it. Very much recommended.