So I read Leia: Princess of Alderaan in 2018 and I really enjoyed it, so I thought I'd pick up this one to see how Gray dealt with the older Leia's story. I had really high expectations and this didn't quite deliver in the way I wanted it to - I found the characters actions and the situations they found themselves in to be repetitive at times. That being said, I loved the way this expanded on Leia's character and the cameos from Han, even if I found it difficult to read at times knowing what was coming next!
One thing I love about these books is the ability they give me to continue to explore the Star Wars universe beyond the movies. I'm relatively new to the Star Wars fandom, and I know that there are fans who love the books published before the sequel trilogy came into existence, but these are the only Star Wars books I've read and I really enjoy them. I'm looking forward to exploring the back catalogue (both canon and those now considered non-canon) further, once I get over some of my feelings for The Rise of Skywalker...