Written on Nov 3, 2019
A horrifying, terrifying and heartbreaking opening to the book to make you want to delve in further, there is no preamble. There is a party, there is a girl, there is a whole football team and there are drugs! You can see where this is going! Reading this, my jaw dropped and my heart broke for Chrissie! What follows after her had me on edge!
Again, I say this every time I would love to visit Black Rock Falls, but I need to time it where the serial killers go on holiday! I mean this town needs a break! It is relentless, it is a holiday camp for them! How are there any people left in the town to be killed! I enjoyed the fact it was rodeo season again but luckily this did not play a part like in a previous book. Break the Silence focuses on the rich and the entitled and what they think they could get away with!
Obviously like with any books it is hard to discuss it without giving the plot away, instead, I have to tip my hat of the dark mind of Ms Hood because of the death in the gym…..gross! The way in which this scene was written, it made me on edge, I was nervous and I felt as if my throat had constricted due to what was to follow! I had to look away from the book and like a film hope the scene was over when I looked back…no such luck!
This time when hunting for the killer I seriously did not have a clue, I could not see how this book was going to go and looking back I should have seen the clues. I think I guessed it about 1 page before Jenna Alton! Should have been quicker but there was so much going on in such a short space of time, my head was spinning. Who was carrying out these murders? Were they murders? Who is the hooded man? I do not know how Kane and Alton do it! The murders this time are so suggestive, well planned, and carried out that when you have the reveal you nod your head at the justice done, but WHAT.AN.ENDING! It was strangely satisfying yet unresolved in my mind, a loose thread which I wanted to tug but it was perfect and bittersweet. It was spot on!
I really do love this series (I say it every time) and the slow burn of Kane and Alton relationship is beautiful to watch. I can never get bored of it. Two broken people at the beginning, are regrowing like a phoenix and so close to completing the healing stage together. Their friendship is such a fierce one, they are so protective of each other, although Kane does occasionally smother Alton at times, and I love watching their dynamic!
The team are a well-oiled unit and they are a family, with Alton at the helm, although at times you would think that Alton, Kane and Wolfe were all the sheriff the lines of authority are blurring but considering their background it is easy to see why. Rowley and Webber still are my favourite supporting characters and it was great to see Webber take a bit more centre stage this time and see his conflict and a glimpse into how he ticks. I want to see more of them both!
Roll on Book 8, I can not wait to see what is in store for me next!