Written on Oct 22, 2018
This is the fourth book in the series, and whilst you may potentially be able to read it on your own, I don’t want you to (demanding ah!). You would so be missing out on the team and the little details, but if you must you can read it on its own..but please don’t!!
I really could not guess who the big bad was in this book, and to be honest I could have been happy to not know. This serial killer is one crazy messed up person, they can have a ticket to a different crazy town to me and they can stay there!!!!!! There are no clues to who the perp is at all, (Well I didn’t think so!) and I was waiting on baited breathe with the rest of the team.
80% in the book and things go bat s**t crazy! I was flying through the book, heart in my throat, I felt like I was holding my breath, and there was a LOT of OMG OMG OMG OMG moments in my head! What was going on!! And then there was that twist and that ending, man I need the next book like yesterday!!! I can’t cope!
As said this story is much more creepier than before. Ms Hood’s writing is awesome, to put it in plain English, as you can picture the idyllic and peaceful forest, the sounds of the animals, the scenery and then the blood and guts are thrown in too. I devour every word on the page, I click my kindle button as quick as I could, as this story was haunting me. I could not figure out why this was happening and what the connection was!
Someone is hunting women, in hunting season, perfect cover story but there is a twist with this hunt, and it shocks you to the core. It is the sort of book I could picture on the big screen, it would be like a really epic 80’s slasher pic, I would love to see it!
The chapters when we are in the predator’s head were spine chilling. The thought process and lack of human emotion apart from the hunt, makes you realise how messed up they are! A person completely devoid of human attachment, with a secret cave of goodies. Aaaaaahhh, don’t run for the hills, stay in the main streets this time!
As always, I adore Kane and Alton’s relationship, the fact they are getting closer makes me so happy, still, the miscommunications and understanding with them are apparent. But happy days the team is back! Still loving the new additions and Rawley, he is just adorable. They work so well together, Kane beasting them to be better and Alton and her guidance and direction making them a well-oiled team.
This is my favourite go-to series of the year so far, I can’t fault the book, even with all the blood, gore and terrifying actions of a predator and the crazy reasoning behind said actions! Just makes you wonder what goes on in some people’s head!
I love everything about these books and really think the time needs to be invested here, so go buy the books, lock yourself away and fully immerse yourself to Sheriff Alton and Deputy Kane and a little-known place called Black Rock Falls. (Thanks for stopping by with my rambles….*whisper* go buy the books)
Pssst…think this may just be my book of the month!