Written on Dec 12, 2017
Thank you to the author for sending me an e-copy in exchange for my honest review.
Counteract is a rather realistic dystopian. Since 9/11 the government in this world has slowly been taking away the people’s freedoms and now they are giving them a medicine that will help protect them from a chemical attack. Seems like an okay thing, except the medicine isn’t what they say it is. Instead it makes people react differently to it and see things that aren’t really there.
Careen and Tommy are the two main people we follow (a few side characters as well). Both of them have reacted differently to the medicine and have somehow ended up together at Tommy’s house.
Things start happening in the world and everyone is very in sync with each other.
Overall I thought this book was okay. I found it to be a new spin on dystopian, but after awhile I started to notice things that didn’t make sense. Because of that I wasn’t enjoying the book as much. Also the relationship was so not need at this point in them knowing each other.