Footsteps in the Dark is a British golden age murder mystery by Georgette Heyer. Originally released in 1932, this edition came out 1st Jan 2019, is 432 pages and available in paperback and ebook formats (other editions are available in most formats).
This is the first of the author's thrillers. She was apparently displeased with the result, but I disagree. This one in particular is a sort of Scooby Doo / Nancy Drew / Agatha Christie mashup. The dialogue is sparkling and (mostly) witty. The characters are varied and well written. The humor is dry. The denouement is foreshadowed but well within the 'rules'.
I adore golden age interwar mysteries. The whole 'creepy country house' vibe is wonderful and this one doesn't disappoint.
Enjoyable read and I was sorry to see this one end. I was happy to see that Sourcebooks was reformatting and re-releasing them to a new reading public.
Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes