This was an odd read. Blair was kind of unlikeable. She did grow on me but it took a while. She also made me sad, she was so closed off from everyone and everything and it made me feel lonely just thinking about it. The whole thing with Adrian at the end was horrible. Frankly I didn't see that coming at all. I think I kind of believed it was going to be a love triangle which I hate, so the fact he won't be around is good but man. What a surprise. I liked Finn and Malphas. But because it's from Blair's point of view the connection to them is kind of flat. She doesn't want to let anyone in and it's hard then to like the other characters. Perhaps in the next few books though this will change as she grows into herself. The relationship between Finn and Blair is kind of odd. I'm not sure if this is being set up for romance or not - I'd like to think not - I prefer the brother/sister thing they've got going on but then he was flirting with her, which I think was just an act but they never really discussed it and it was odd and kind of unclear. The storyline was interesting, although I am kind of iffy about the whole demons/angels thing. I've read a lot of those ones and I am kind of over it. But I think I like Blair and Malphas and Finn just enough to continue and see how it all plays out.