Written on Jul 12, 2014
A Slither Of Hope continues right after Rayna moves in with Kade. More evil comes their way, evil that has gotten them separated, in more ways than one. New discoveries, new beginnings will happen in the sequel of the Angel Sight series.
I probably say the same thing of every book I read, but this Young Adult Paranormal book had me on edge. I was literally biting my nails because the intensity of the story was so strong; even the iPad fell from my hands once (at least it fell on my lap, otherwise it would have had a not so pleasant future). In every scene that Rayna running, trying to escape, or in any compromising situation, I could feel my heart beating so fast, as if I was running with her, going through the emotions myself and I'm not even the character.
I could feel the emotions soaring through her in every chapter of the book. A part of this book I read while being at a doctor's appointment and it was a rather suspense packed part (Okay, it wasn't only a part; it was half of the book). I think people thought I was crazy because I kept saying "oh my god" and "what the hell" along with throwing my hands in the air.
In this second book of the Angel Sight series, the reader finally gets to know the truth about Kay, Rayna's mom and, oh my gosh, I got blindsided! Nothing even remotely close crossed my mind of what had happen to her. It knocked the breath out of my lungs while reading it. And that ending! That ending gave me shivers and all I wanted was to cry out for Rayna and for Kade or jump into the book myself and save them. Although, with an evil as big as the evil in this book, I would have been killed instantly. I suffered so much with that ending. It was so sad and left a cliffhanger and I need the third book now.