One of the main things that draws me in to a fantasy story is the world building. I want to be able to imagine the world i am adventuring in. In the killing fog the world has associations called ensigns which are groups of trained warriors that can be hired for a variety of reason. Magic has it place in this world as well but it shows up in a few unique ways and it always a last resort. Our main character Bingmei has the ability to smell emotions from people. For the first part of the novel most of her Ensign have no idea she has this ability but as the adventure continues it becomes vital and saves them more then once from certain death. The other magic is the killing fog that emanates from a magic sword and can take your life in an instance.
The story travels between two kingdoms as well as the summer palace. Oh and Bingmei also has a condition that gives her albino like appearance and most refer to her as the white rose. I really enjoyed this novel and looking forward to what Bingmei does in the next novel. Oh and their dragons in this to.