Written on Jan 15, 2017
This one was my favorite chapter so far. Even though I tend to like world-driven fantasy books more than action-packed ones, still I'm truly enjoying myself. I loved the story of this one, I loved the military setting and all the political aspects and I also loved to see my little babies grow and become finally adults.
Tavi is definitely one of my favorite male protagonists: he really feels like a real person, he's complex and he's far from perfect, but he's also so easy to like and to support and to care about.
I only got 2 problems with this installment: the first is the lack of a great central villain and the second is the Amara's and Bernard's POVs... they were just boring and they felt unnecessary.
I know that Codex Alera is not perfect and it's far from a very great and layered fantasy series (Martin, Sanderson and Rothfuss are one a superior level, there's no doubt about it), still I really am enjoying myself while reading them: they're fun, fast-paced and filled with great characters. What else does a person need?
For a change, this installment ended without a huge cliffhanger, but I'm still very eager to read the next one ASAP. I only hope in the next one I get to see more of Max and Kitai and less of Amara and Bernard (who I think are not necessary to the story anymore).