Written on Nov 3, 2018
Henrietta even says is, with all the war and death and threat of terror and destruction she doesn't have time to care about what her friends think or what she feels about them. Which is quite logical in the real world. But, if you're not a plot-loving reader, than books, I think, should be a little less logical than the real world. Because yes, I want to know the secret connections between the heroes and the villains - the betrayals and the unexpected mercy and even compassion that results from those secrets. I also want to spend more time with Henrietta and her friends. I want them talking and maybe even laughing. I want them arguing and teasing each other and getting into trouble and then getting out of trouble.
Those were the parts I enjoyed in the first book. And they happened in this one... some... but not quite enough for me.
Also, I don't even know what to think about all these boys. Magnus is not quite as charming, for good reason. But he's still Magnus and his feelings for Henrietta are wonderful but we're not allowed to see him struggling with them - not allowed to see her struggling with what he feels for her. The gag order stole all the fun from them. And still, somehow, his feelings for her and his immense respect for her make it easy to sort of want them to end up together in the end.
But to do so would leave such tragedy in their wake that it couldn't possibly be a happy ending. Because Rook is already a shadow monster. And I don't know if there's any coming back from that.
And Blackwood... I want to understand more what has their destinies entwined. But also his almost unconscious thirst for power is a bit frightening. It makes it difficult to root for him entirely.
So, then, what are we left with? And how it will end?