Written on Jul 19, 2014
Kelli has had the hots for Mac for YEARS and Mac has been completely unaware of her feelings for him. Mac was a sunglass wearing badass who did not want to get to close to anyone and despite wanting to throw his sunglasses away, I really liked him. When he lets Kelli in and enjoys his time with her, he's kind of a sweet and very sexy badass guy.
Like the last book, I was laughing and highlighting within the first few pages. I don't think I'll ever think of neutering a cat the same way again. And who knew a lizard penis could be so freaking funny? Oh and a melon wielding badass? Who knew?
He caught her around the waist , pulling her into his arms. She gave a soft squeak of surprise, but came willingly, soft and fragrant and pliant against his body. He held her cradled to his chest, her feet suspended in air, her breath on his throat, her curves soft and warm beneath her dress.
Her eyes met his, and something stirred in his chest. "Glass," he breathed, his face scant inches from hers.
"You almost stepped on a broken bottle."
"Oh." Her eyes darted to the sand, then back to his. Her throat moved as she swallowed, and Mac ached to kiss her there. "I see."
He knew he should set her down, but hesitated. She felt so good in his arms. So warm and soft and sweet and deliciously fuckable.
I am allll about the Patton siblings and I can't wait for more from Ms. Fenske and the rest of this series.