Emma (SCR)
This book is set in the week running up to Christmas. If you don't already know Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year. I love everything about it from the decorations to the music to thinking about the perfect gifts.
Libby moved into the flat opposite George 6 months ago. In this short time they had become the very best of friends but George had not only found a friend in Libby but also someone he could love.
George had been lacking in confidence since his marriage broke up. George is the sweetest guy in the world and he would do just about anything to make Libby happy. From the moment he met her he fell in love.
Libby has been moving around for so many years that she has forgot what it's like to stand still. She has never stayed in one place for more than a few months. She tells herself its to research her books. To really throw herself into the setting to write as best as she can but really I think she was scared. Scared she would end up the same as her mum so she never made any meaningful relationships.
I really loved Libby and George. I loved the 12 days of presents, it is such a sweet idea. I loved the 12th present it was so adorable.
I also really loved Seb and Amy's story. I wasn't expecting to see so much of it from the blurb but it was a lovely surprise. They are two characters that really needed something good in their lives. I also really liked Kat and Big Dave too.
This book was everything I hoped for and so much more. I have heard on the twitter grapevine that Holly is writing a 3rd book set in White Cliff and I cannot wait to read it and any more of her books.