Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews
Written on Mar 26, 2012
Eventually, Eve finally shuts up enough for Adam to tolerate her and they begin to form a family. When Cain was born the two have no idea what this creature is, varying from a fish to a baby kangaroo. After several years the couple finally realize that it is a mini-me but after a new child is born the process starts over.
I found Twain's depiction unique, Adam brilliantly came up with Niagara Falls as his place of residence but Eve, stubbornly renames it Eden, place "Stay off the grass" signs every which way, giving the feel of an amusement park.
After that fateful day, which comes off like an Indiana Jones movie minus the moving boulder, the couple are sent to what I pictured to be very desert-like place to live out the rest of they day in semi-happiness (because let's face it, the serpent made sure they wouldn't live in Pleasentville).
I had never, ever read anything by Mark Twain before, partially because it was not in the school curriculum but I believe it is also due to a boring weekend in Hannibal when I was eleven. Either way, I have discovered him now and after recognizing his dry sense of humor hope to read more of him.