Lila McCormick first met Lincoln Turner when tragedy struck both their lives.
But she never expected their surprise encounter would lead to two years of exchanging letters-or that she'd fall for the boy she's only seen once. Their relationship is a secret, but Lila feels closer to Lincoln than anyone else. Until she finds out that he lied to her about the one thing she depended on him for the most.
Hurting Lila is the last thing Lincoln wanted. For two years, her letters have been the only thing getting him through the day. Admitting his feelings would cross a line he's never dared breach before. But Lincoln will do whatever it takes to fix his mistakes, earn Lila's forgiveness-and finally win a chance to be with the girl he loves.
Look for more powerful contemporary romance from Katie McGarry with Pushing the Limits and Dare You To.
Praise for Pushing the Limits: The love story of the year - Teen Now
A real page-turner -Mizz
A romance with a difference - Bliss
- ISBN10 1299355862
- ISBN13 9781299355866
- Publish Date 1 January 2013
- Publish Status Active
- Out of Print 21 April 2015
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Harlequin Teen
- Format eBook
- Language English

Historia corta entre ROMPIENDO LAS NORMAS y DARE TO YOU, lleva publicado ya unos cuantos años pero no lo había leído por pura pereza y falta de interés. Sólo que al finalizar el año tuve una completa necesidad de leer todo lo que KATIE MCGARRY tuviera publicado (la publicación de BREAKING THE RULES propicio esto).
Lo primero que noté, luego de pasarme todo el año pasado variando en mis lecturas, tanto en escenarios como en etnias, es ¡qué pálidos son los personajes de McGarry! Luego de leer todo la serie PUSHING THE LIMITS más su historia corta RED AT NIGHT, es casi imposible no notarlo. ¿Es algo malo o bueno? ¿Tanto leer con diferentes personajes ha cambiado mi cerebro?
La historia en sí es bonita, no va a cambiar tu mundo pero es una historia para cuando quieras pasar de algo muy intenso a cualquier otra lectura. Como un aperitivo que abre el apetito (¿se nota que me gusta la comida? xD)
No tengo mucho que decir porque no rockeó mi mundo.

This novella was very sweet. I would love a full length follow-up, so we can see their evolution into happy couple.

Also, I hated how Lila was. I SO get her fear, but geez, stop crying "I can't do it I can't do it..."
Good thing Lincoln snapped her out of it.
Also, since reading [b:Attachments|8909152|Attachments|Rainbow Rowell|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1398982892s/8909152.jpg|13785503] I love that name lol.

Lila og Lincoln er begge virkelig skønne karakterer og jeg veksler mellem, hvem jeg bedst kunne lide. Faktisk kunne jeg ikke huske hverken den ene eller den anden fra Pushing the Limits (LINK!), men det var ikke generende for historien. Den måde, de lærte hinanden at kende på, var lidt anderledes, men jeg synes, det fungerede. Det gjorde, at de forstod hinanden – og jeg forstod, at de forstod hinanden.
De små breve, der starter hvert kapitel, er virkelig skønne. Det er næsten min yndlingsdel af bogen og fungerer næsten som en historie for sig. Det er her igennem, jeg for alvor synes, deres personlighed skinner igennem.
En rigtig sød lille novelle. Den næste novelle kommer til december – noget, jeg først fandt ud af, efter at have brugt ½ time på at lede efter den… Jeg skal i hvert fald helt sikkert læse den!

My first problem with Crossing the Line was Lila and Lincoln's fight. It has to be one of the dumbest ones I've read. Lila takes what happened way too personally and blows it out of proportion. She acts like it's the end of the world, or like Lincoln ruined her life when it has nothing to do with her. My second problem was Lila. I know it's not my place to judge someone else's fears, but Lila's fear of being home alone is beyond ridiculous. I get scared too, but I deal with it. Her mom even had to leave her brightly colored post-its all over the house to remind Lila to do the littlest things because at 18, she's never been home alone...ever. That is hard to believe. Her fear may have felt more believable if we had actually gotten to know her better, and seen that this fear is based on something. I just didn't know her well enough to care.
The "plot" of Crossing the Line was also problematic. I already said her fight with Lincoln was dumb, and that's pretty much the catalyst, but what happens when he's at her house is...well, ridiculous. Lila calls him, screams, drops her phone, Lincoln calls the cops, and they find nothing. This prompts Lila to ask him to stay. She thought she saw someone when she was dumb enough to go outside, alone, at night. Fine. However, she says she thinks she has a stalker. I love stalker plots, but we already know who's lingering around her house! How dumb can she be?! Seriously, it's that obvious. Of course, someone has to come and tell her directly who it was, and she and Lincoln go out to get revenge. Alright.
I'm guessing Crossing the Line was suppose to be a fun little interlude between two heavy books, but it isn't. It's just dumb. I really enjoyed Pushing the Limits, so this was a disappointment. I like the idea of having cutesy novellas between the drama filled full length books, but this just made no kind of sense. I don't feel like we learned anything about these characters, and it certainly doesn't fit into the series anywhere. I did like that their letters were included. I'm a sucker for that kind of thing, but other than that, this novella had nothing to offer.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

I thought that McGarry did a fabulous job of bringing Lila and Lincoln’s relationship to life. Their shared letters, the talks they had when Lincoln gets to Lila’s house, getting Stephen and his friends back, all made for a wonderful story. The story may have been short but it didn’t feel rushed at all. I enjoyed seeing Lila again and getting to know her. I felt the same way for Lincoln. I thought he was a great hero and I also thought he was pretty much the perfect guy for Lila. They understood each other and they had chemistry.
I’ve enjoyed every book that I’ve read by McGarry and I’m looking forward to reading more. This book was another winner for me and I definitely recommend it.

Full review to come soon.
This and other reviews are originally posted on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews