Baroness Book Trove
Hello my fellow readers! Baroness Karen here for another book review. This one was sooo good. Even if I had to...Read more
Hello my fellow readers! Baroness Karen here for another book review. This one was sooo good. Even if I had to stop it to work on this blog and had to reread it from the beginning to the point I was at. Anyways off to the book review.
I love everything about this book. Especially since it combines Supernatural, Mystery, and Romance altogether. This book was a good one. Granted I didn't think it would be but it turned out to be good. The reason I didn't think it would be was all because my mom bought the book at a airport and we all know that sometimes books that come from there are not always good ones. But oh well.
Anyways this book follows the daily life of Lily Ivory. It was quite amazing to see and read about it since mostly I didn't think much about some of the stuff. Granted there is some Spanish in the book but Miss Blackwell is always able to make sure that you know what that one person said in the next sentence or two. I mean I took a Spanish class in high school and I didn't really think much when our Spanish teacher told us a little bit about La Llorona. Then in this book when I read that she was in there I was a little bit spooked and felt sorry for all of the kids.
All throughout the book I thought that I knew who was the killer but I was seriously wrong. I even felt sorry for Mrs. Potts only living daughter, Mrs. Potts was the client mentioned in the plot, with what her mother did to her. But then at the end of the book I understood with why and I think the daughter did too. And yes I know that this book is fiction but sometimes I think that the characters are real. Anyways this book is a really good and it will keep you guessing. Or at least it did with me. I am giving this book five stars.
To read my other reviews please go to my site: http://baronessbooktrove.blogspot.com/