Single Woman Seeks Revenge is pretty self-explanatory. Can you figure it out? Yup, Single Woman Seeks Revenge is the ultimate in revenge novels. Instead of your typical Chick Lit novel where women spent the novel moping over one man, Suzie Miller is taking it BACK! No longer is she going to let men be the be all and end all of her life, and instead she’s going to get the revenge she wished she could have got at the various points in her life when her relationships ended. Aided by colleague Drew, Suzie gets her revenge on every one of her exes her scorned her, but is she going to let her revenge dreams go too far, especially when a man enters the picture that she might actually care about…
I absolutely loved Single Woman Seeks Revenge, it was amazing. Don’t get me wrong, normal Chick Lit without revenge is awesome, yes, but every once in a while you just need a good revenge novel. I was a tad worried, I wasn’t entirely sure the depths Suzie would plumb to get her revenge on her exes, and I was worried she’d go all bunny-boiler and probably murder or seriously harm one of her exes but Suzie’s revenge schemes are actually pretty awesome. They’re not terrible, they’re not vindictive, it’s just Suzie’s chance to get closure if you will, to make these guys pay for how they really hurt her. My favourite revenge scheme was definitely the Manchester City one. I’m a massive football fan, so I love seeing football incorporated into the novels I read.
Suzie and Drew were such wonderful foils for each other, Suzie with her wacky ideas and FABULOUS advice columns – seriously, when she starts her revenge columns, they are just so awesome to read that I could have read a whole novel just filled with Suzie’s letter and her replies – and Drew with his serious demeanour, but totally steadfast loyalty was a fabulous partnership. I so enjoyed Single Woman Seeks Revenge, it was so well written, Tracy Bloom is a fantastic writer and I can’t quite believe she hasn’t been picked up by a publisher, because the novel flowed so well and I just breezed through it. I can’t wait to read Tracy Bloom’s debut novel now, because this one was brilliant. Way to go Tracy, you’ve got a new fan!