Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading
Written on Jun 15, 2016
Andrea Stewart in a bid to save her younger sister from yet another one of her disastrous activities secured the services of Wings International to aid her in her quest. However, she got more than she bargained for when she found herself swept up in a world of Vikings and evil Lucipires. Will she be able to rescue her sister before it's too late?
Cnut: At first I didn’t like how he was portrayed, but as the story progressed, I found myself being drawn to him. By the end of the story, he proved that he was not the same selfish person that was portrayed at the start of the book. Thank goodness for divine intervention. I understood the circumstances that made him the way he was in the past. I loved that he tried to atone for his mistakes, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness. Although physically he was no longer an overweight Viking, from a mental perspective, he still saw himself has being fat. He suffered guilt anytime he overindulged in food and has to make an effort not to give into his vices. These events made him a likable and relatable character.
Andrea: Andrea has been plagued with self-esteem issues most of her life. She never saw herself has beingbeautiful and sexy. She was the complete opposite of her sister. She was the cautious type and never did anything outrageous in her life. What she lacked in self-esteem she more than made up for it with her stubbornness and bravery.
Not much emphasis was placed on this aspect of the story. However, I enjoyed the little that was given.
The story took place in both the current century and in 850 AD. I loved the way the author portrayed each of the eras, but if I was to choose the one I enjoyed most, my choice would be 850 AD. The descriptions were so vivid it was like I was present at every scene. The move between each of the settings was clear and the characters interacted well with the setting. I was amazed at how easily Andrea adapted to the Viking era.
Initially, the story started out slow, however, it picked up a notch at about 25% of the story and continued that steady movement to the end.
I enjoyed this installment. Unlike the previous installments that I read the focus was on destroying Lucipires andsaving persons from becoming demons. In this instance, the focus was on Cnut and his attempts to atone for the mistakes of his past. The story is imaginative and hilarious. I had quite a few laugh out loud moments. I know there is no such thing as Viking Vampire Angels. However, the manner in which Miss Hill portrayed these beings will have you momentarily believing that they do exist. I thought it was ironic and a bit humorous when Cnutdiscovered that his life mate was a pastry chef. Oh boy! How is he going to handle this one?
I found this installment to be entertaining and funny. If you are looking for a unique story and you are a fan of paranormal romance and comedy, then you will enjoy The Angel Wore Fangs. Although this is the end for the brothers, based on the ending the saga will continue as there is one more character that deserves a happy ending.
A note of warning do not, I repeat, do not read this book when you are hungry. At the beginning of almost every chapter, there is a menu of some delectable items, (that will leave you salivating) and some not so much.
I received an ARC from the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for a honest review.