Written on Mar 22, 2009
This was an enjoyable book all and all. For those of you who may know the other authors I read and adore, I would say this was similar to reading [a:Mary Connealy|58306|Mary Connealy|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1361308956p2/58306.jpg]. This was my first experience with Cathy Marie Hake and I look forward to reading more of her books in the future.
I am not sure if it is the pregnancy hormones or things that need to be done, but I did not zip through this book. It took me a while to read it. When I was not with it, it did not call to me like some books where I think I will go crazy if I do not read the next page. However, I did like it overall.
I laughed, thought about crying, got angry, and snickered too. This story contained a wealth of emotions and a good couple handful of humor. The characters were enjoyable and some detestable just as they should be. I saw clues to what would happen and anticipated the next scene as if it were a film.
Easily, this is a read that I recommend.
I am not sure if it is the pregnancy hormones or things that need to be done, but I did not zip through this book. It took me a while to read it. When I was not with it, it did not call to me like some books where I think I will go crazy if I do not read the next page. However, I did like it overall.
I laughed, thought about crying, got angry, and snickered too. This story contained a wealth of emotions and a good couple handful of humor. The characters were enjoyable and some detestable just as they should be. I saw clues to what would happen and anticipated the next scene as if it were a film.
Easily, this is a read that I recommend.