As I mentioned, we did see some really good character progression with Amos. I liked seeing him back in his hometown where he lost his family. Ithink that lended itself well to making him face some of his emotional demons, both with his family and also with some of the people he left behind. Not to mention the case he's undertaking is one he kind of messed up - as his FIRST case as a detective. Even though, as the plot unfolds it's really easy to see he's not to blame for those mistakes, it bothers him greatly that he messed up. He cares in his own, abstract way, and I always enjoy seeing that.
As happens frequently, Amos is undertaking a case that the FBI has not sanctioned him to work; Not only does that create some tension (because when will the FBI learn that if Amos is interested, they should be too?!), but it also means that Alex - his partner and newly minted FBI Agent - is absent for a significant part of the book. I really enjoy their relationship and that being missing really detracted form the book for me. However, Melvin does show up in her stead, and I also really enjoy that relationship, so it wasn't a total loss.
I continue to adore the narration for this series. It's just so great to have such distinct voices for the characters, thanks to Kyf Brewer voicing all the male parts and Orlagh Cassidy voicing all the female parts. I imagine that is a much more difficult narrative experience to record and I appreciate that they continue to take it there. It really brings these books to life!