Written on Dec 25, 2014
I love this series and I love this author. Ms. Fenske made my Top 10 New to Me authors list earlier this month.
(See list HERE)
I've thoroughly enjoyed every single book she has released in this series and I think I love this one the most! It's all because of Grant.
"Just so you know," he said "I don't generally condone violence."
"Aren't you a Marine?"
"I specialize in counterintelligence and human intelligence."
"What does that mean?"
"I catch spies, or I get other people to catch spies. I don't kill them. Much."
"That's reassuring."
Grant is a bit less intense than his brother , Mac, and was kind of a breath of fresh air. Scaling a palm tree in a pink shirt...among other things. But let me tell you, when it comes down to it, Grant can get dirty with the best of them. When he lets loose with Anna, it's pretty fantastic. He comes off as a perfect gentleman and he is but he really cuts to the chase when it's just him and Anna. To Anna's credit, she knew she needed to push Grant a little in order to get him out of his perfect gentleman role. I think she knew that Grant was a dirty bird deep down, he just needed the right woman to bring it out of him.
As for Anna? I loved her! She was funny and a bit quirky and she totally owned it.
"Okay, now you're just ridiculous." She shook her head and took a sip of wine.
"Please tell me you've got some sort of hideous fault. A huge goiter or a habit of tripping preschoolers in the mall?"
The whole crew (Sam, Sheri, Kelli and Mac) is back in Hawaii for Sheri (Grant and Mac's sister) and Sam's wedding and I loved the setting. You gotta love the whole Patton clan, even Mama Patton makes an appearance and throws in her (more than ) two cents.
"All my kids are thoughtful," Stella said proudly.
"And excellent shots."
In this one we are introduced to Schwartz, the lone wolf Patton brother and I CANNOT wait for his book. It's going to be another good one.
As always, Ms. Fenske balances humor and passion so very well. I always find myself laughing out loud and highlighting a lot when reading her books.
Buy it now! Only 99 cents!
This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews