Written on Jun 23, 2017
Review 01/31/2012:
I don't know what I was expecting with this book, but it certainly wasn't what I ended up reading. I thought I would enjoy it, but I didn't think I would be so immersed in it, so saturated with the vivid descriptions. Reading Cat's Eye is like drowning. That sounds negative, but it's the only way I can think to describe it: it's so immersive, and I felt like I was choking for air the entire time. It is so dark and disturbing.
I don't know how this book would read to somebody else, but for me it was such an odd experience because I know what she's writing about. I know what Elaine went through in her childhood. I felt those emotions so strongly, because I have felt them before in my life. That period was 1/3 of my life ago, and as soon as I started reading Cat's Eye it felt as if those experiences were still new. Even after all these years, it's so raw.
I don't know. I can't get all my emotions in order. I was discussing this book in class the other day, and I almost started crying. I surprised myself with that. I didn't realize how much it was affecting me.
This isn't a book that I would normally give five stars to. It's just not my usual type of book, really. But I can't find one flaw in it, and I know it's going to stick with me, as much as I might like to forget about it. It's going to disturb me for a long time.