•Pro: I love mixed format books, and this one included emails, blog posts, photos, letters, and more. The different formats were used well, and were cleverly used to bring in different perspectives.
•Pro: Flora was a star. I loved her voice from page one, and I was so happy to go on this journey with her.
•Pro: The colorful cast of characters gave me the gift of laughter over and over again.
•Pro: Flora and her sister had a sisterly bond that made me jealous. Lael was an incredible big sister and was still there for Flora even when she went against her advice.
•Con: The ending was sweet, but I am not too sure what the intention was. Not disappointing, because I smiled, but still not sure about it.
•Pro: As radical as the school was for me, there were a lot of interesting ideas discussed and I like when I am made to look at something in a different way or left with food for thought.
•Pro: There are many, many feminists in this book, and therefore. lots of feminists discussions. But what I loved most about this girl-powered group, was how they wanted to support one of their own in her time of need.
Overall: A fun and quirky coming of age tale filled with wonderful and interesting characters, which left me with a smile on my head and a lot of interesting thoughts in my head.
**I would like to thank the publisher for an advanced copy of this book.