Ing Cruz
Written on Nov 6, 2010
In the three years since the debacle start to her marriage Claire has grown up and realizes her mistake in not speaking to Morgan about her fears. She shows up in London hoping that Morgan would give her another chance to truly be a wife and forgive her for her youthful mistake. She also wants his help in preparing her younger sister for her first season. She has promised to help her sister find a husband so she is not force to marry someone their father have chosen who is considerably older. Morgan grudgingly agrees to help prepare for the season in return he plans to divorce Claire so that he can marry his current paramour who is a widow.
As the two work together they begin to realize the mistakes they both made. We gradually see them learning things about one another and slowly falling in love and trusting each other. They're new found trust is put to the test that will either break them or bring them closer.
I really enjoyed the story of Morgan and Claire Lyons. I like the fact that lead couple are already married. Lorraine does a great job of having the story unfold slowly allowing the readers to follow in Morgan and Claire's discovery of one another. Morgan is a great hero. He acknowledges that there were things he could have done so that Claire felt comfortable enough to come talk to him prior to the wedding night. I love the interactions that he had with his dog. It allowed the readers and Claire to see a softer side of him. I wanted to slap him towards the end there but he did make up for his stubbornness. As for Claire she was great. I loved how she didn't let Morgan push her around. She definitely stood up for herself. You could really see her caring for Morgan and doing things to try and win Morgan back. There were some other great secondary characters that made the book enjoyable. I can't wait for the next book in the series about Stephen. Love to see how he grows up since he's a bit self absorbed during this book. Can't wait to see where Morgan's moms affair with the younger man heads and I definitely want to know more about the other younger brother Ainsley. If you're looking for a great historical with a great story-line then pick this book up. You won't regret it.
Great start to this new series! Loved it.