Cocktails and Books
Written on Aug 8, 2011
Now, his cousin and good friend, the Marquess of Walfort has asked him to pay his debt for that tragedy by spending the night with his wife, Jayne, and using his sexual prowess to get her with child. The only problem...Jayne can't stand him.
Jayne hold Ainsley responsible for her husband being a cripple. Ainsley was driving the rig that night when they crashed and Walfort's leg were crushed, while Ainsley walked away with a simple scratch. Ainsley's life had gone on while her life was crushed along with her husband's legs. But nothing could have prepared her for the request her husband makes of her in the hopes of giving her a child.
While Jayne initially says no to the proposal, she ultimately agrees to spend one month with Ainsley at is hunting cottage. She convinces herself that what they will be doing should be viewed as a transaction, as Ainsley deposits his seed. She'll take no enjoyment in the exchange at all.
Ainsley has quite a different view. He's always been taken by Jayne and under the impression that if he's met her first he would have married her instead of Walfort. He's decided that he will take these thirty days to win Jayne over.
Ainsley's plan worked wonders, he did crack open the wall that Jayne had built around her heart and opened her up to a world she's never known, but he never expected to fall in love with Jayne and never thought to all he'd lose if he succeeded with this goal.
I've been waiting for Ainsley's book and Lorraine Heath did a wonderful job of writing a story that did this character justice. Jayne was a wonderful, strong woman who was the perfect match to Ainsley. And as wonderfully strong as both characters were, they were both heartbreaking unsure of themselves when it came to love.
The secondary storyline with Leo and the Dutchess of Ainsley (his mother) also came to a great conclusion. It was about time Tess admitted her true feelings for Leo!!!
An awesome conclusion to the series!
5 Cocktails