Baroness Book Trove
Written on Jun 23, 2018
Airships, Crypts, and Chocolate Chips by Erin Johnson are just as good as other books in this awesome series. Imogen and her friends are back in the Water Kingdom until they have to go to the Air Kingdom to celebrate the Spring Festival. Of course, things are bad for Imogen as she has to juggle being a baker, being Hank’s girlfriend, helping Hank figure something out, helping her brother, and wanting to tell Hank some things. It’s just a recipe for disaster for her. I will also try not to spoil anything for you guys.
What I liked about the book:
• Everything about this book was so good and wonderful. It was everything I imagined for the book after Imogen and Hank announced that they were together.
• I even liked it when Horace came to Imogen in this book as well.
• Of course, like always, I loved all of the characters especially the very minor ones that don’t appear a lot. They all seemed so real. I even felt bad for poor Imogen at some points.
• Some things start to make sense in this book about everything. Yep, some of the pesky questions get answered.
What I disliked about the book:
I didn’t like how Hank always felt like no one really paid attention to him at all. Especially since no one ever took the time to celebrate his birthday. Hank deserves much better than with what he got for a family. The main person I hate (yes hate not dislike) in this book isn’t Horace but Hank’s dad. He’s so mean especially to Hank. I also felt bad for Emmaline as well. Which you will all see when you read the book. The cliffhanger to this book leaves me guessing about the next book, I can’t wait until it comes out. I don’t want to reveal more than that but, oh man such a cliffhanger.
What I am curious about:
What will happen in the next book especially after that awesome cliffhanger?
Five Stars
Airships, Crypts, and Chocolate Chips by Erin Johnson is a superb book. I am so glad that I got to read this book and it was so great. Now I can’t wait for the next book and that is also because of that great ending of this book. This book is so good. It’s a five-star book in my mind. I read it in three days.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
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