Baroness Book Trove
Written on Mar 29, 2018
Imogen and her friends are back again in Mermaid Fins, Winds & Rolling Pins by Erin Johnson. In this book, it has been about a week since the carnival left and things are going well for everyone. Or at least as well as anyone can expect with the murders happening around them.
What I like about this book:
• We finally get to see another kingdom. Or well kingdoms. Along with MERPEOPLE! It’s very exciting and they are different.
• We learn that Shaday is actually a nice person. Especially to Imogen.
• Imogen is learning more about her magic and it’s refreshing to see that she doesn’t have full control over it.
• We see Hank and Imogen together more in this book which is nice.
• We also learn a bit about Imogen’s history and I can’t wait for more on that.
What I didn’t like about this book:
What I didn’t like was that the young queen mermaid was very flip-floppy with her emotions. I also didn’t like how the gates were used against Imogen. The last thing I didn’t like was how Imogen’s adopted parents handled her situation with her powers. All of these things I don’t like since it’s obvious how bad that hurt is when you read the book.
What I am curious about:
• Is Imogen’s family apart of the Badlands Army?
• Is Horace just using Imogen?
• What actually happened at Monsters Rise?
Five Stars
Mermaid Fins, Winds & Rolling Pins by Erin Johnson is another great book despite taking me a bit longer than I did last time. The author did a different take on the mermaids which is fun to read about. This book was a bit saucy and different from the others which are good. I think everything about this book is great and leaves me wanting more. Especially about Imogen and her past. This book is five stars and I hope Erin Johnson continues on writing more wonderful books. I so didn’t want to put it down for any reason but I had to so that I could take the dog for a walk.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
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