Baroness Book Trove
Written on Mar 31, 2018
Cookie Dough, Snow & Wands Aglow by Erin Johnson brings us a wintery book that makes me want to snuggle up in a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate or hot cider while reading this book. We find Imogen and her friends having a tough break in this winter book. One step after the other isn’t good for them once they get closer to their destination.
What I like about this book:
• It takes place a few months after the last book and its winter time. The magical time of year.
• Imogen can see right through some of the things happening around the town. Especially through the citizens’ false pleasantness when they see Hank/Prince Harry.
• Imogen finally finds out about her past along with Prince Harry/Hank and Francis as well.
• We find out when Hank and Shaday are getting married.
• A LOT of shocking and plot twists happened in this book and I LOVED them all.
What I didn’t like about this book:
What I didn’t like is that the governments basically tried to cover everything up that had to deal with the monsters and the sad tragic deaths that had happened. Who knows what else they are hiding and aren’t willing to confess.
What I am curious about:
• Will Imogen be able to move on from Hank when she has to?
• Will Imogen be able to prove that her brother isn’t a monster like everyone thinks he is?
Five Stars
Cookie Dough, Snow & Wands Aglow by Erin Johnson is an amazing book. We, just like the main character, have a lot of stuff to mull over that we learned in this book. I am giving this book five stars since it’s an awesome book. It’s also a great read even on this not so spring day for me. I am still loving Imogen as the main character and all the secondary characters are so amazing. Especially when they are able to help Imogen out and with how they care for her.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
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