Baroness Book Trove
Written on Aug 8, 2020
Can Clint and Corbin help Banks and O'Neil?
Clint and Corbin
Clint Holden is a twelve-year-old kid, trying to get through some interesting challenges at home. Corbin is Clint's best friend, and they are two peas in a pod. They are trying to deal with middle school, learning about their new teachers, and just generally trying to survive. Well, even more now that they have people from another world after them. These two are pretty interesting characters. I wouldn't have thought that these two would make a good pair of heroes, but then again, what do I know as they seemed to have done okay here.
Banks and O'Neil
Banks and O'Neil appear before Clint and Corbin did, and I wasn't too sure about them. These two are part of another world. I'm still unsure about them. Banks is the whole reason why O'Neil is in this mess apparently and that he doesn't seem to be very popular around some people. O'Neil likes his alcohol a bit too much, as he is always seen referencing it a lot. I'm unsure about these two being the other set of heroes as well.
My Questions and Comments
These two sets of heroes are just so different from each other that I don't know how they got anything done. Then there is the whole beginning with the assassin, and what happened to him? I would not consider this a middle school book even though Clint and Corbin are in middle school. The whole drunkenness of O'Neil seems to take it out of that entire genre. There are just too many supernatural creatures involved; I felt like the author needs to streamline the creatures by picking like three maybe.
3 Stars
After everything that I have said up above, I am only giving Requiem, Changing Times by R.J. Parker, three stars for a rating. I did finish this book, but as I am writing this review, I am still trying to wrap my head around what I just read. Mr. Parker has a fantastic story, but there were some parts that I probably would have left out of the book. Perhaps a professional editor would be able to assist with some of these issues.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Requiem, Changing Times by R.J. Parker.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove