Quirky Cat
Written on Nov 2, 2018
The title for this book is somewhat self-explanatory. It’s a collection of 100 of the best moments for female DC characters. This particular list was generated by Robert Greenberger, and he did a decent job of explaining his reasoning for each of his picks.
Collecting the 100 greatest moments for DC heroines is no small feat. To be honest, I wouldn’t envy the person that would have to sit there and come up with the list, let alone the person that’d have to pull all the appropriate pages and panels.
I’ll admit I was a little surprised by some of the moments that made the list…and some of the characters as well. I certainly would never have guessed, in a million years, that Waller would be in this book. Though I’ll admit that the description never once said that those greatest moments had to be moments where the character was doing good…and thus the character never actually had to be one of the ‘good guys.’ In that case, I can’t think of a better character than Waller for making that point.
This was a really fun read, on the whole. I enjoyed reading about all these different events, some of which were my own favorites, some I had forgotten about, and some I’d never heard of. Seeing the changing art styles over time was great too. I’m glad that they actually pulled from all over DC history, instead of sticking to just one period.
The best part about this list was that it got me to add a few more plots to my ‘to be read’ list, which I’m more than okay with. I’m always looking for moments exactly like these to read, so having a nice consolidated list was very useful.
For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks