If you ignore the changes and forget the show (hard though) and listen to the book, it is quite short and easy to blitz through. I still imagine the characters as they are in the tv show, it’s hard not to now even if Elena is blonde in the book! I will have to say, not a huge fan of Elena (book) she doesn’t treat Matt very well and becomes obsessed with Stefan, refusing to let anyone get their mitts on him and is insanely jealous when Caroline rocks up with him at the dance.
The attraction is instant between Stefan and Elena but he needs to keep his distance from her because at the moment she does not know he is a vampire – dun dun dun. But if that was not enough, he has to stay away from her, not just for her safety but his, because she bears an uncanny resemblance to someone in his past, as in his human past.
If this was not enough drama, then we have to introduce Damon onto centre stage. Although not in the book that much at the moment, you feel his presence the dark cloud in the background, he too wants Elena for the same reasons but he is not afraid to go after what he wants.
I remember reading these the first time around some 21 years ago, god it was that long ago! I really enjoyed them the first time around, I don’t remember there being anything like them at that time and I had nothing to compare them to. This time around, they do at times feel bit stilted, Elena, not a fan and I feel like the love story was a bit rushed. I think I also switched off once or twice during the audiobook because I wasn’t aware it was finished. Oops! The ending is a cliff hanger and it does want to make you read on.
There has been a murder at the dance, and guess what, yeah you guessed it, blood has been spilt, Elena is nearly attacked by Tylor Smallwood (aka Lockwood in the show) and rescued by Stefan, not before Vicky is left wondering the woods. But by the end, well poof he has disappeared and we are left with Elena screaming in the woods.
A lot of teen angst, a lot of drama, backstabbing, everything you might enjoy in Young Adult books. I will carry on the series and FORGET the show and the annoyances, but I think it might be the first time where I might prefer the show to the books. – Did I just say that?!!