Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe)
My Thoughts
Ms. Gray is back with another hit in the Amish Of Hart County series! She never fails to grip me wholly and keep me in the center of the story. This book, just like Her Secret, was an instant gripper for me.
Once again, the characters were captivating for me. I loved Mark and Waneta both. Mark's character really tugged at me the most. I can't imagine the pain that he endured through life. The things he dealt with in life, you don't imagine being a part of an Amish novel, but it was and it really made it that much more gripping. Oh to be there! I would go in mama mode on him and hug him big! Waneta's character, well, she was a little too judgy at times, but seeing God work on her, really made me love her that much more.
This book is intriguing, emotional, and gripping. It is not a sweet Amish romance, but it is a wonderful Amish novel in a series that will steal your heart, just the same. You will go through the roller coaster ride of ups and downs as you fall in love with each character, as you feel each characters emotions,as they seek forgiveness,and the pain that they go through of letting go of the past. Anything less than a 4.5 star review will not do this book justice.
I definitely recommend this book to all Amish fiction lovers, but be warned. It is not a light hearted read. And, I recommend reading book 1 first as it will make the experience of this series more fulfulling. I can't wait to read the next book Ms. Gray has for us!