When Sophie offered me the chance to review her novel, I was delighted. I absolutely LOVE books set in the behind-the-scenes TV world. It's always so fascinating to see how TV shows come together and just how many people it takes to make a show what it is. It helped ever more that I absolutely ADORED Poppy Penfold. Poppy is AWESOME. Like Becky Bloomwood and Tess Brookes awesome. Like, I want to be best friends with her awesome. Like, where is she and how do I get a Poppy into my life? How do I also get all of those amazing TV shows onto my TV? The concepts were AWESOME.
I've had a lot of trouble with Chick Lit recently - it's a bit too same-y, a bit too emotional, but this was a breath of fresh air. Poppy's life is so chaotic and manic, and she's so clumsy and accident-prone but in the best way possible. I could just so easily get lost in to Poppy's fabulously funny world, without all the stresses and heartbreak I've read about recently.
Sophie says in the back of the book that if this one is well received (and everything I've seen about it has been positive, for what it's worth), there would be a sequel in the offing - MORE POPPY YAY. I so, so, so want this to happy. Poppy has just brightened up my week, and Sophie must have so many more zany TV stories to tell, and I cannot get enough of the lovely Rhydian. (Although it made me imagine him off the X Factor, oops). This was such an enjoyable book, and it's perfect for the Shopaholic or I Heart series fans.